The Runway Ventures
Learn from startup failures to become the top 1% founder in 5 minutes.
And what I've learned...
How Octopus went from waste management to fraud and sexual harassment (the most dramatic public failure I've seen so far)
How TaniHub went from farm-to-table to farm-to-failure (a $82.5M mistake)
How Flash Coffee shut down all 11 outlets in Singapore after raising USD 50 million...
A stunning fall in Malaysia's tech history
How Kaodim collapsed from a successful startup story in Malaysia
How Lummo (formerly BukuKas) died after pivoting 4 times in 4 years
How Propzy's collapse shocked the entire real estate market of Vietnam
How Kenko Health died due to Indian bureaucracy (an insurance license that's almost impossible to get)
How GoMechanic collapsed after investors found out they fabricated financial records (that went unnoticed for 2 years)
How FashionValet failed 2 Malaysian state funds and caused public backlash (gone viral for the wrong reason)
How Tritium collapsed from a successful startup story in Australia (IPO to Insolvency)
How Pitik went from poultry powerhouse to $59M failure
Why Mio shut down despite having 1.5 years of runway (huge respect to the founders)
How Greenikk died because of fake PMF (it was too late to pivot)
How ShopX lost the game and went from $100M to bankruptcy
How Yumist got cooked in India despite raising $3M in funding